Sunday, 16 September 2012

Blogosphere Phenomenon & its Benefits

Blogosphere is a group of blogs and their interconnections. It is also known as a collection of connected communities where there are discussion between the bloggers used by the media to demonstrate the public’s voices or opinion on various issues (, 2011). Besides that, the blogosphere is also known as to identify influential blogger and new bloggers. Consequently, the blogs created by the blogger are mostly about personal content, political views or also could be about the latest fashion trends.

According to a research as cited in a website (, 2012) it stated that the weblog was produced by the inventor of the world wide web, Tim Berners-Lee in 1992. However,  Blogger was setup by a small 3-man team in 1999 which  now owned by Google.  The free we blogging is established and it is open to the public with internet connections and further sparked up the blogosphere phenomenon. Consequently, the blogging phenomenon had become conventional web activity in 2004.

Blogging has become on of the most essential means in voicing out the publics opinion. Based on Wong (2009) article, some of the top bloggers in Malaysia are Kenny Sia (personal blog), Anwar Ibrahim, and Lim Kit Siang (political blogs).  These professional bloggers voices out their rights in political manner through blogging so that it is shared to the public as well. Therefore, the benefits of a prevalent blogger is that it gives the society a different perspective rather than only absorbing information from the media. Besides that,  blogging also serves the public as a social network to communicate with other bloggers and also in promoting their  products online for business purposes.


Wong, A 2009, ‘Top 100 Malaysian blogs’, Rice blogger, weblog post’ [online] available at: viewed 15th  September 2012, 2011, ‘What is blogosphere?’ [online] available at:
Viewed: 15th September 2012, 2012, ‘The blogging phenomenon explained’ [online] available at:  viewed: 15th September 2012

1 comment:

  1. 1. Blogosphere-include latest trends of usage as said in, and explain blogging phenomenon by relating to new media ecosystem concept by Naugton. Provide specific examples to benefits/ trends to increase credibility.

    2. Credibility-Need to find source readings that are credible-books/ journals on credibility of blogs.

    Overall, explore readings from journals & books, and refrain from using general websites (wisegeek/dictionaries/ wikis) & student's blog for conceptual citations.
